Our Certificates & Information Security Policy

As a VISCO, we provide data center infrastructure services and maintanance-repair services. We’re aware of vulnerabilities on information security that may ocur in the context of this service. We are constantly developing our technology to avoid this infirmity; and auditing by independent institutions. All the services that you have receiving by VISCO certified with IS0 20000 and IS0 27001.

You have taken all these services safer with Visco.

Information Security Management System- KVKK Policy

Visco Elektrik Elektronik Tic. LLC. has made a commitment to protect confidentiality, integrity, and all physical and electronic information assets across the organization, in order to protect the competitive edge, profitability, and the legal compliance and commercial image it produces. It carries out information and information security requirements in line with corporate goals

Our main purposes within the scope of Information Security are;

  • To ensure that our information security management system is documented, documented and continuously improved to meet the requirements of ISO 27001: 2013 standard,
  • To increase the awareness of information security of employees,
  • To fulfill the function of identifying, identifying, evaluating and controlling the relevant risks in order to establish and maintain the information security management system within the framework of the strategic business plan and risk management,
  • Compliance with all legal regulations and contracts regarding information security,
  • Systematic management of risks for information assets,
  • To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of our customers’ information assets within the scope of Information Security Management System,


With the Law on the Protection of Personal Data dated 24 March 2016 and numbered 6698, published in the Official Gazette dated April 7, 2016 and numbered 29677, special importance has been attributed to the risk of causing personal disability or discrimination when dealing with certain personal data. These data are; Data on race, ethnicity, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data.

Our company is sensitive to the protection of special quality personal data determined as “special quality” and processed in accordance with the law by the Law on Protection of Personal Data. In this context, the technical and administrative measures taken by our Company for the protection of personal data are carefully implemented in terms of special personal data and necessary controls are provided.

We are committed to working devotedly to be an exemplary institution in terms of information security in the sector.

General Manager